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Getting the Current User's Threads

This document explains how to get posts and replies created by the currently authenticated user, in a few different ways.

Getting Posts

To get the user's posts, you can call GetThreadsAsync() method on the user client.

ThreadsClient threadsClient = GetThreadsClient();

var postsResult = await threadsClient.Me.GetThreadsAsync(limit: 10);

if (postsResult.IsSuccessStatusCode && postsResult.Value is not null)
    List<ThreadsPost> posts = postsResult.Value;

    // Enumerate the list and/or operate on one of the posts.
} else
    // Handle gracefully based on the exception data in the result's "Error" property & the Value if exists.

Getting Replies

To get the user's replies, you can call GetRepliesAsync() method on the user client. This returns a list of posts that represent each reply, if the request was successful.

ThreadsClient threadsClient = GetThreadsClient();

var repliesResult = await threadsClient.Me.GetRepliesAsync(limit: 10);

if (repliesResult.IsSuccessStatusCode && repliesResult.Value is not null)
    List<ThreadsPost> replies = repliesResult.Value;

    // Enumerate the list and/or operate on one of the replies.
} else
    // Handle gracefully based on the exception data in the result's "Error" property & the Value if exists.

Getting specific fields only

You can get specific fields to return in your response by setting the fields parameter to an exhaustive list of fields to request, if you don't want the extra data that comes by default.


  • The other fields not included in the list passed to the fields parameter will be set to null.
  • Any fields not supported by ThreadSharp yet will be included in the response's UnrecognizedData property.
  • There's no guarantee that all the fields will be returned as is. For example, in some cases, the permalink is omitted.
  • The post ID is always included by default.

Consider the following example to get only the post text as well as the media product type, the author's username and the permalink:

ThreadsClient threadsClient = GetThreadsClient();

var postsResult = await threadsClient.Me.GetThreadsAsync(fields: ["text", "permalink", "username", "media_product_type"], limit: 10);

if (postsResult.IsSuccessStatusCode && postsResult.Value is not null)
    List<ThreadsPost> posts = postsResult.Value;

    // Enumerate the list and/or operate on one of the posts.

    // In this case, only the post's Id, Text, Permalink, Username, MediaProductType properties
    // will be non-null unless in specific cases like mentioned in the note above.
} else
    // Handle gracefully based on the exception data in the result's "Error" property & the Value if exists.


User Client

An instance of ThreadsUserClient, usually obtained from a ThreadsClient's Me property.