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Creating a New Thread

This document explains how to create a new thread in two ways, using helpers or by creating & publishing media containers.

For more information regarding media container creation, check the official docs.

Creating a media container

To create a media container, you can call the CreateMediaContainerAsync() method to create a media container.

There are different types of media containers that can be passed, below is a map of media container content wrappers correspoding to their media types in the Threads API:

Content TypeMedia Container Wrapper
TEXTEmptyContainerContent or AttachmentLinkContainerContent if a link attachment is needed.
IMAGEMediaContainerContent w/ its ImageUrl property set.
VIDEOMediaContainerContent w/ its VideoUrl property set.


  • If the media container wrapper is of type MediaContainerContent, and you want it to be a part of a carousel post, set the IsCarouselItem property to true so Threads knows that this item is going to be added to a carousel album.
  • No media container wrapper other than MediaContainerContent can be used as a carousel item.
  • Adding text to the post is optional if media or a carousel is attached to the post.

Below are examples of creating media containers:

// GetThreadsClient() is a placeholder method for getting a ThreadsClient.
var threadsClient = GetThreadsClient();

var textOnlyMediaContainerResult = await threadsClient.Me.CreateMediaContainerAsync(new EmptyContainerContent(), "Hello World from Threads API; using ThreadSharp!");

// Handle the result.
// GetThreadsClient() is a placeholder method for getting a ThreadsClient.
var threadsClient = GetThreadsClient();

var imageOnlyMediaContainerResult = await threadsClient.Me.CreateMediaContainerAsync(
    new MediaContainerContent()
        ImageUrl = ""

// Handle the result.

Optionally, you can also specify which people can reply to your post by setting the replyControl parameter, which is of type ReplyControl.

Publishing a media container

To publish a media container, it's as straightforward as calling PublishMediaContainerAsync() in the user client, along with passing the ID of the media container previously created above.


  • A text post can be easily created by using the extension method, CreateTextPostAsync(), on the user client.

  • A carousel post can be easily created by using the extension method, CreateCarouselPostAsync(), on the user client. This takes a list of media container statuses, which can be retrieved like explained in the "Checking media container status" section.


    In carousel posts, all media container statuses passed must be of status ThreadsPublishingStatusCode.Finished, otherwise the publishing will fail.

Both of these helpers handle publishing the post behind the scenes, as well as creating the relevant media containers.



A quota is enforced on creating posts & replies from the Threads API, so you need to monitor the post/reply quota.

You can do this by calling GetPublishingLimitAsync() on the user client.

Checking media container status

To check the status of a media container with its ID, you can call the GetContainerStatusAsync() method on the thread management client.

This can be used to create carousel posts with either the helper, or by manually creating & publishing the media containers.


Thread Management Client

An instance of ThreadsThreadManagementClient, usually obtained from a ThreadsClient's Threads property.

User Client

An instance of ThreadsUserClient, usually obtained from a ThreadsClient's Me property.