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Calling API endpoints unsupported by ThreadSharp

To futureproof the ThreadSharp library, you can call the ThreadsClient.SendRequestAsync(HttpMethod, string endpoint) method for unsupported endpoints.


If you frequently use the ThreadsClient.SendRequestAsync(HttpMethod, string endpoint) method for endpoints added to the Threads API but not yet supported by ThreadSharp, please report your use cases in the issues tab in the repository, and it will be worked on.

Below is an example for getting the current user's visitor country insights in the form of a result, containing a Dictionary<string, JsonElement>:

// GetThreadsClient() is a placeholder method for getting a ThreadsClient.
ThreadsClient threadsClient = GetThreadsClient();

var result = await threadsClient.SendRequestAsync(HttpMethod.Get, "/me/threads_insights?metric=follower_demographics&breakdown=country");

if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode && result.Value is not null)
    Dictionary<string, JsonElement> insightData = result.Value;

    // Operate on specific properties by deserializing the JsonElement into the type you want, or enumerate the properties.
} else
    // Handle gracefully based on the exception data in the result's "Error" property & the Value if exists.